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Introduction to Programming Graphcore IPUs for Scientific Computing

PPAM 2022, 11 September


Introduction to Programming Graphcore IPUs for Scientific Computing

Graphcore will give a tutorial session at PPAM 2022, the 14th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, hosted in Gdansk, Poland.


HPC is undergoing a transformational change. Traditional methodologies are now increasingly accelerated using AI running on innovative hardware such as the IPU. The challenge lies in integrating AI into the HPC workflow so that it is complementary, efficient and offers real benefits.

In this tutorial, we will present specific examples showcasing possibilities of a hybrid system architecture capable of solving both HPC and AI problems. We will run introductory sessions explaining what advantages of Graphcore IPUs over other competitors are, what is the programming model, overview of IPU-POD architecture.

You will also have a hands-on experience running AI-powered HPC classical simulation on Graphcore IPU-PODs.

Organisers and Presenters

Pawel Gepner – Graphcore Senior System Field Application Engineer
Alex Titterton – Graphcore Field Application Engineer
Adam Krzywaniak – Graphcore AI/HPC Customer Engineer
Grzegorz Andrejczuk – Graphcore AI/HPC Customer Engineer
Lukasz Anaczkowski – Graphcore AI/HPC Customer Engineer

Who should attend?

Please join us for this tutorial session if you are interested in the convergence of High-Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence, whether you are an innovator, an AI/ML practitioner or a senior executive in the field of High-Performance Computing, including both enterprise and academic organisations.

Hardware and Software Requirements

Participants should bring their own laptops. If this is not possible, they can use the hardware available at Gdansk University of Technology to connect to the provided IPU-POD servers via ssh.


Introduction to Graphcore, IPU architecture and Bulk Synchronous Parallel

Sunday 11 September | 12:00-12:45

Gdańsk University of Technology

Poplar Introduction featuring specific examples

Sunday 11 September | 12:45-13:30

Gdańsk University of Technology

AI for Simulation: Interactive Session

Sunday 11 September | 13:30-16:30

Gdańsk University of Technology

Interested in joining this tutorial? Make sure to reserve your place by signing up using the form below.

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